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Five Minute Friday: Friend

Writer: Amy L. BoydAmy L. Boyd

**This post was constructed in five minutes without any* editing! Linking up today with #fiveminutefriday

My divorce was on a Tuesday. I had to take one of my three personal days for the entire year and write high quality sub plans for my students to engage in during my absence.

On the day after my divorce I woke up, skipped the shower, got dressed, drove to school, and tried to walk through my day like it was any other. Life goes on. The world doesn't stop moving in the midst of your trauma.

As much as I wanted to turn on Netflix (which I didn't know how to do without my husband), zone out, and never leave the house again, I had to continue participating in an unrecognizable world that had just pummeled me in the back of the head with the knowledge that I'm not actually in control of anything.

What's a teacher to do? Send out a weekly news update for her student's parents telling them, "Sorry I'm so emotional and not up to par this week, I got divorced on Tuesday." Nope. No can do! Teachers put aside the stressors of life out of a huge heart to meet the needs of each and every student.

*Just a side note for all of the parents out there- please, please, know that all my fellow teacher friends have another life too- even though they spend much time pouring their hearts into your child! The best things you can do are pour on the praise and appreciation, send a well-rested kid to school, avoid sugar cereal for breakfast, and know we're all doing the best we can every day!! (Oh yeah, and read with your child every day- I'm the Reading Specialist and I say- Read!)

Anyway...about friends. All of the friends, friends, friends that God placed around me to support and guide, love and hug, and most importantly to just BE THERE.

My amazing teaching team gave me the most perfect divorce gift package:

A great book to read. (Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay)

Chocolate to ensure survival.

Lotion for desperately dry winter hands.

Tea to brew and warm my soul.

A card filled with life-giving words.

And a faith pendant with a butterfly on it to remind me of who I was, and am, and ever will be.

These are my people.

Over the following days and months people brought food and flowers. People sent love. People didn't always say the right things, but they cared enough to say something to acknowledge that nothing would ever be the same for me.

Five years later...I think about those dear ones who came alongside...and the times we shared...

Sometimes saying quiet prayers with hands clasped tightly.

Sometimes laughing loudly- because that's good too.

Sometimes just watching movies and ugly crying over E.T. leaving Elliot..."I'll be right here".

Sometimes we ate stuffed french toast for brunch in Madison.

Sometimes we went for walks and drank mango smoothies.

Thank you dear ones!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10- Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up her fellow. But woe to her who is alone when she falls and has not another to lift her up!

Check out the rest of the awesome #fivemintutefriday linkups at

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