Linking up with the wonderful writers at #fiveminutefriday today! The challenge to write for five minutes on the word "safe" means no editing, no belaboring, no over-analyzing, just write!! So here goes...
Over the years the things I have clung to for that safe, warm-slippers feeling have been stripped away from me one-by-one.
My husband walking next to me or even just sitting across the room brought the care-free me along for an easy-going life. After my divorce, I felt exposed. Unsafe. Unprotected.
I literally moved away from that stolen safety to a place I had always felt safe: my childhood home. But in this place my financial safety was snatched through identity theft. Fraudulent accounts in my name. Student loans. Unemployment. Comcast accounts. Nothing was safe anymore. Every day a new breach of safety.
In an uncertain and dangerous time, God reminded me that HE IS SAFETY.
In Joshua chapter 1, Moses has just died. Things feel unsafe. Uncertain. Unknown. But God says to Joshua in verse 9:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened and do not be dismayed, for your God is with you wherever you go.
Your God. My God. He is near. He IS safe. I AM SAFE.
Safety isn't found in a mere human, or in finances, or in locked doors. Safety can't be stolen. Safety remains. Safety sustains. Safety endures.
I'm not alone. God is with me. I am not exposed. God conceals and protects.
This pep talk allowed Joshua to confidently command God's people. He knew they were safe in the hands of a provisional and loving God. Never floating aimlessly, always safely held by the Savior.
Psalm 4:8- In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone O Lord, make me dwell in safety.